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"Reclaiming Peace Within The Pieces" Online Course

As A Student of "Reclaiming Peace Within The Pieces" 


  • Unmask this season of life, so you can move forward.

  •  Learn how to choose a new response to “negative” things that happen to you, so that you can find peace in your current situation.

  • Discover the stages of growth, so that you can avoid paralyzation and bloom where you are.

Information Session:

(2nd Q). start date: April 1 (3rd Q.) start date : July 1 (4th Q. )start date: October 14

This session will be an opportunity for you to speak and meet with the founder of Make It RISE and discuss what’s to be expected from each course. Tam will also give you an opportunity to share what your expectations are of her and this course once it began. Tam main focus during this session will be to be clear on the sessions to follow and explain how they will help you cope effectively, tap into the foundational pillars of healing, recover so that you are available to discover, and put the pieces back together so that you can live life LOUD! Each week will come with notes to follow as she go through each module. You ‘ll also find methods , “make it personal” sections, and focus scripture that is sure to keep you busy doing the work throughout the week before our each meeting.

Putting The pieces Back Together Session:

April 8 (2nd quarter) July 8 (3rd quarter) October 21 (4th quarter)

Begin the exercise that will be mailed to you before this session
Be given a different way of viewing “peace within the pieces” because of the exercise

Module 1: How to cope effectively.

April 22 (2nd quarter) July 22 (3rd quarter) November 4 (4th quarter)


Easy the pain of coulda woulda shoulda so you can calm your mind and heart.

Discover the strength of being vulnerable so you can put down the facade that everything is okay and open the door to healing.

Identify the multi stages of healing so you can unapologetically accept where you are emotionally (Your Location)

Module 2: The Foundational Pillars of healing.

May 6 (2nd quarter) August 5 (3rd quarter)November 18 (4th quarter)


Break the shackles of bondage through forgiveness so you can be free of Forgive so you are no longer in bondage

Put the pieces back together so you can learn to be whole can.

The benefits of mirror work so you can see yourself for who you truly are and make yourself a priority again

Module 3 : Recover so you are available to Discover

May 20 (2nd quarter) August 19 (3rd quarter) December 2 (4th quarter)


Rediscover your wants, desires and needs so you can move forward

Reboot so you can redeem the pieces that have been broken. Taken away

Discover what is means to be whole so that life can start to feel good again.

Wrap Session: What it look like in action

May 27 (2nd quarter) August 26 (3rd quarter) December 9 (4th quarter)

We will review every module while bridging them together to create a personal journey for all of what was covered during the course. This will be the session that we will discuss what it looks like in action, and share about the pieces from “Putting The Pieces Back Together

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